Consider This...
Theological Thoughts to Encourage the Heart & Stir the Mind
Volume I June 2011 Issue 26
The Millenium and Eternity
The literal Word of God is authored and inspired by the Living God Himself. What God has said, he will do. He has made his word plain and simple for every person to read and benefit from. So why the confusion of how things began? Or how they will end? I am convinced, by experience and the Word itself, that all man’s questions can be answered from the Bible. So why are there so many opinions or interpretations regarding the end of this world and eternity as explained in Scripture? It is sad to observe today that certain beliefs are no longer held as truth or have strong foundations in the minds of people who read the Bible. Baptists, Presbyterians, and other Protestant groups hold to unorthodox views that they once abhorred. It all comes down to asking if you believe the Word of God and how it speaks for itself. Or are you hanging your convictions on what others are saying about the Word of Truth and not examining the Scriptures for yourself?
As you read this article today, consider what you believe about the Millennium. Do you know the different views held regarding this doctrine? I hope this article will stir your mind and encourage you to dive deep into the Word of God and be persuaded by what the very word of Christ teaches you rather than by man's opinion.
The Millennium, according to a literal interpretation, is the one thousand year reign of Jesus Christ on earth. This will take place after he returns in glory to vanquish all his foes as prophesied in Revelation 19. I hold this position as literal for many reasons. One of them is because six times within chapter 20 of the book of Revelation, John the Apostle wrote, “a thousand years.” Satan was bound for a thousand years (v. 2); the resurrected martyrs came to life and lived with Christ for a thousand years (v. 4); believers shall be priests of God and of Christ and shall reign with him a thousand years (v.6). These six statements of a thousand years bring to mind Christ and his words. In the gospel of John, Christ said," truly, truly I tell you..." He emphasized the word truly. This was to assure us that his word was truth and will be done...literally! How much more should we take a thousand years literally as it is repeated and demanded in the verses quoted above?
During the time of the Millennium, all nations will submit to the authority of Christ Jesus. He will be the King of the Earth reigning in Jerusalem (Zechariah 14:16-19). People who have entered the Millennium when Christ returns will have children and continue to decide whether to live for Christ or to reject him (Isaiah 65:20-23). Could you imagine people actually beholding the living Christ and yet not being converted? The Saints of God will also rule with Christ during this time (Revelation 20:6).
Before the Millennial reign of Christ, right after his return to earth, Satan will be bound and shut up for the one thousand years that Christ will rule. But, as noted previously, men who have not been transformed and redeemed will still have rebellion in their hearts. Once Satan is released at the end of the Millennium, he will gather these unredeemed people to make war with the saints and the Christ. It is at this time that fire will come down from heaven and consume all of these enemies (Rev. 20:9).
There are a few different views regarding the one thousand year reign of Christ on earth. Some hold to a position called Postmillennialism. The good news will triumph on earth, and Christ will establish through the Church an age of peace on earth. Then Christ will return, and inaugurate his eternal kingdom (eternal state).1 I have yet to see the peace of Christ ruling on this earth, over the whole earth. Actually, the earth becomes worse and worse rather than better and peaceful.
Another view that takes a metaphoric stance of the one thousand year reign of Christ is what is known as Amillennialism. This view states we are in the Millennium right now! This is with Christ ruling in our hearts at this moment. It also declares we are ruling with him spiritually. This began at his first advent and continues until his second coming. Those who hold this view believe the Millennium is a long, certain period of time, not a literal 1000 years. When Christ returns, we are ushered into the eternal state. As quoted in Zechariah 14:16-19, all nations will come to Jerusalem to worship the King Jehovah. This is not happening right now or has happened in the past. Scripture confirms Satan will be bound for one thousand years during the Millennium. Satan is the prince of the power of the air, the ruler and father of those who are disobedient to Christ. If he is currently bound in a symbolic thousand years (as Amillennialists would believe), why do we still see him at work on this earth at the present time?
In a literal view of Scripture, yes, there are some things that are symbolic. Yet, to categorize certain doctrines and beliefs as symbolic (Covenant Theology, The Millennium) opens the door to allegorize the whole Word of God. There are men who consider the creation account in Genesis to be "poetry." There are cults that would say Christ rose from the dead "figuratively." All of this is because the Word is not taken literally. God has magnified his Word above his name. If the Word is more symbolic and allegorical than literal, what does it say about God? What do we believe or symbolize about him?
The final area of this article considers the eternal state. Once the Millennium has finished and Satan is cast into the lake of fire with all who have rejected Christ in the second resurrection, God ushers in a new heaven and a new earth. No more tears, death, or sin! It is at this time that the New Jerusalem comes down from heaven. It is no longer a city built on the earth in a certain location, but a city whose builder is God Almighty; filled with the Saints of God who have believed in his name. The eternal state involves serving our Lord and maker and dwelling in the light of his countenance. We shall see God's face! We shall see it because we no longer have sin in our lives or the threat of ever being ensnared by it again. Oh, the precious promise and great comfort of a new heaven, new earth, and New Jerusalem.
J. Hampton Keathley III gives a complete list of how the eternal state will be lived out, and the privilege we will have as the redeemed of Christ Jesus. He writes:
In summary of this section of Revelation, what do we have in the eternal and blessed city of the New Jerusalem?
(1) Perfect restoration (no more curse, paradise regained),
(2) Perfect administration (the very throne of God and the Lamb shall be on it),
(3) Perfect subordination (His servants shall serve Him),
(4) Perfect transformation (the saints shall see His face and we shall be like Him [1 John 3:2]),
(5) Perfect identification (His Name on our foreheads),
(6) Perfect illumination (He Himself shall illumine us),
(7) Perfect exaltation (we shall reign forever and ever).
Here are seven perfect conditions pointing to one absolutely perfect state. Hallelujah, what a Savior! How great is our salvation in Christ!!!2
I heartily agree with this list and believe that all of these things also will be literal!
- Ed Delgado
1.The NLT Study Bible.2008 Tyndale Publishing Inc.
2.J Hampton Keathley III.