Tuesday, August 30, 2011

The Scriptures- Plenary and Verbal Inspiration

Consider This...
Theological Thoughts to Encourage the Heart & Stir the Mind
Volume I August 2011 Issue 35

Plenary and Verbal Inspiration
            No other book has been as attacked and condemned for its content as the holy written Word of God. Yet no other book has changed people’s lives and transformed their hearts for the good of mankind and for the glory of God. Many argue the Bible was made to keep people subject to a set of rules or to help weak minded people who need guidance in this world. In reality though, those who follow the Bible, the true Word of God, live lives that have meaning and an expected end. Their lives have hope and are founded on truth that saves them from the fear of death and eternal separation from God. This is not because a human wrote with such persuasion or passion. It is because the author of the Bible is the Creator himself. The Holy Spirit, who draws men to a saving relationship with Christ Jesus their Lord, drives into the born-again Christian a hunger for holiness and the Word of God.
            When I read a book, a magazine, or a tract from a religious group, the Spirit of God within me tells me that this material is false. It is false because it does not line up with the Scripture of Almighty God. How do I know the difference between what is of God and what is not of God in relation to writings that would claim divine authorship? This is where verbal and plenary inspiration find their meaning and way into the life of Scripture.

            The definition of plenary inspiration states that the full, entire, absolute, and complete canon of Scripture is inspired by God. “It is altogether free of error and conveys exactly what God wished to say to man. That there are problems connected with this high view of inspiration goes without saying, but this is nevertheless the teaching of Scripture itself. The problems can be resolved; but even if we cannot now answer all of them, we still must insist this is the only doctrine of inspiration which has any real substance. It is only by plenary (i.e. full) inspiration and verbal (word-by-word) inspiration that God can objectively and accurately convey his word to man. Any lesser theory leaves man to his own devices and, in effect, he becomes his own god.1

            Verbal inspiration is the belief that the original documents, penned by the writers, were without error and directly from God.
            Some people would say the concepts presented in Scripture are inspired, but not the words. However, we see the Lord Jesus Christ himself believed in the plenary verbal inspiration. He rebuked Satan by quoting: “Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God” (Matthew 4:4).2 Would Christ quote Scripture if he was not sure that it was word for word inspired? Would Christ lead us astray into thinking the Word is accurate and word for word inspired, knowing that it actually had some error in it? I do not think so.
            God used men to write his verbal inspirational Word. Some argue that each writer used their own personality in the book or letter making it unlikely that it was inspired by God. But God can use the personality and demeanor of a person to send His Word to mankind. When I read the Gospel of John and the three epistles God used him to write, I see the Apostle and his loving character. His sensitivity and desire for his readers to know the Christ is plainly obvious. When I read the Apostle Peter’s writings, I see the boldness of this man and how, in his maturity, his excellent communication skills were used to relay God’s truth. Finally, when I read the Apostle Paul’s letters, I see a man full of knowledge of the Old Testament. I see both his care and boldness towards his audience. With these three examples, I am confident when I say that these men wrote word for word what the Spirit of God in them moved them to write (2 Peter 1:21). So it was not their words, but God using their mind and knowledge to write His words.

            In 1 Corinthians 2:13, Paul the Apostle writes, in regards to the Holy Spirit and his indwelling presence, “This is what we speak, not in words taught us by human wisdom, but in words taught by the Spirit, expressing spiritual truths in spiritual words.” The Word of God is the believer’s standard for faith and practice. We are taught by the words and the wisdom of the Spirit, as the verse above declares. Man had nothing to do with any input, regarding wisdom, when it came to God teaching us through His Word.
            It is quite odd that many would agree with the Bible in declaring that God is in control of everything (Colossians 1:15-17) and that He is loving and caring over our needs and trials (Psalm 23). They would even go so far to acknowledge that He is the only way to heaven (John 14:6). But when it comes to believing that every word is inspired and “God-breathed,” they disagree and say this could not be so. So is the fickleness of man and what he does and does not believe. I will stick to what the Word of God teaches! I will trust in the Word that has never failed me or given me cause for doubt.
    What are you going through today? Can you confidently say you are trusting in God’s Word because it truly is His Word? Or are you questioning, not only your circumstance, but the Bible itself? Apply the word for word inspired Scripture to your life and see the result of that trust!
                                                                        Ed Delgado

1.            Morris, Henry. Many Infallible Proofs. (Green Forest, AR: Master Books, 1996), 173
2.            ibid.



  1. Thank you for sharing your thoughts on this. I truly believe everything you just shared. I do know that until the Holy Spirit indwelled me, I didn't understand or care to know anything about the Bible, it was only after I was saved, that I began to see more clearly. It is an ongoing process, and I continue to be amazed that the wonderful Word of God.

  2. That is it. The Bible is the only Infallible word of God to man kind in its entirety.I believe and accept it to be the ONLY source of faith and practice. NO SALVATION ELSEWHERE EXCEPT THROUGH THE GOD OF THE BIBLE WHO CAME IN THE PERSON OF JESUS CHRIST OUR LORD!
